
Showing posts from October, 2018

Lighthouse Angles

Eye Level In this shot, you can see the vertical lines from the bricks and a bit of diagonal lines from the rain. Long Shot There is some repetition going on in the rain that makes you eye bounce from one droplet to another. Medium Shot There are horizontal lines from the lighthouse and on the land. There is also c urved lines on the walkway of the lighthouse. Close Up Shot You can see vertical lines in the light area of the lighthouse where the pillars come down. Over The Shoulder Shot There is a diagonal line from the light shine of the lighthouse. Point Of View Shot There is a bit of repetition on the mountain that makes your eye bounce from each mountain peak. Bird's Eye Shot Formal balance because everything around looks almost the same, and diagonal lines from the halo light. Worm's Eye Shot There are vertical lines from the rain. Extreme Close Up Shot Vertical lines from the pil...

Camera Angles

Establishing shot:  An establishing shot in filmmaking and television production sets up, or establishes the context for a scene by showing the relationship between its important figures and objects. Long Shot: A view of a scene that is shot from a considerable distance, so that people appear as indistinct shape Medium Shot:  camera angle  shot  from a  medium  distance. Eye Level Shot:  the camera is placed at the subject's height, so if the actor is looking at the lens, he wouldn't have to look up or down. Eye level shots are incredibly common because they are neutral. Close Up Shot:  A close-up contains just one character's face. This enables viewers to understand the actor's emotions and also allows them to feel empathy for the character. Birds Eye Shot:  A  bird's - eye  view is an elevated view of an object from above, with a perspective as though the observe...